Worship Services

We invite all to attend our worship services, held each Sunday at 10 am. No matter your background, you're welcome at our services. You can expect Christ-filled, Bible-centered preaching that is both rich and accessible, a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs, a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, and a community of believers united in their love for Christ and who desire to welcome you in. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Sunday Worship - 10 am

Third Academy School (East Campus)

(Formerly the old Prince of Peace Lutheran School building)

400 Prince of Peace Way, AB T1X 1G2

Online: Livestreamed on our YouTube page.

Communion Served every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays (see the What We Believe page for Communion practice)

Bible Study (In Person)

Every Sunday - 9:00 am

Come to church for our in-person Bible study. No prep required, but participation and questions are encouraged! Currently we are looking at the Book of Jeremiah and what God has to teach us about His love, judgement, and covenant faithfulness.

Small Groups Ministry

Various times and locations

We have a number of small groups who meet regularly for fellowship, bible study, and prayer. If you are interested in joining a small group, please contact Pastor Mark or one of the small group leaders. 


Every Monday night - 7:15 pm. 

Confirmation class is held at the school building every Monday at 7:15 pm. Please contact Pastor Mark for more details or if you are interested in joining. 

Men's Breakfast 

Every 2nd Saturday of the Month - 9am

Come join the men of Shepherd of Peace for a time of food, fellowship, and growing in God's Word through Bible study. No prep is necessary and everyone is encouraged to bring a food item to share.  

Ladies' Group

1st Saturday of Every Month - 10am. 

Come join the ladies of Shepherd of Peace for our monthly meetings where we enjoy fellowship, food, activities, and growing together in God's Word through Bible study and prayer. No prep is necessary and everyone is encouraged to bring a food item to share.